Supplements vs. Medicine For Your Anxious Thoughts?

Supplements can play a big role on calming down our emotions.  In the world we are living in, there just seems to be evil after evil.  Government mandates, mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. it doesn’t seem to stop.  Big Pharma makes billions of dollars labeling people with some type of illness opposed to educating them on root cause of toxins that harm our immune system.

Now that some of the stats are out, we see our children are doing worst in school… More of the students are anxious… A lot of students don’t want to attend school… and worst of all suicide rates are at an all time high.

Parents walk into their pediatrician or general practitioner, who quite honestly in my opinion should not be prescribing drugs that change your brain chemistry.  They don’t teach much in medical school about the brain or more doctors would be talking about the gut-brain axis and how foods impact that.  So most people walk out with a prescription of some sort in a 7 minute doc appointment and bingo, they are part of the Russian Roulette System.  If one medicine doesn’t work, they will try another and then another.  All the while changing the chemistry in the brain and 100% of all these medicines have a black box warning that they “may cause suicidal effects”.  Just visit and see for yourself.  Well duh, they do change your brains chemistry but people don’t even get informed consent by their doctors because they don’t understand the impact or the dangers.

The food you eat if you’re not eating organic are sprayed with Roundup (see my other website for more information, and other toxic herbicides.  These toxins can harm the brain as well as cause emotional issues because they are toxic to the brain.  The brain consumes 33% of the calories we eat but 100% of the toxins.  But… your doctor doesn’t share this information either unfortunately or they may just say to read the label.

So where can you start to learn about all these toxins that harm our brain?  Email us and we can certainly do a free health coaching session where we can talk about the gut-brain axis.  Take a look at how toxins enter your body that can impact your brain at

There are many supplements that can help calm the brain and lots of healthy foods that give your brain energy.  A majority of the people have a hard time focusing on the endless amount of tasks on our plate but there are easy ways to calm your brain and keep you focused if your are willing to learn about the toxins that harm our body and brain .

Send us an email and we would be happy to help.

Food for thought my friends…

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