Can Your Liver Be The Root Cause Of Your Emotions?

So when was the last time your conventional medicine doctor asked you about your liver and what nutrients you were taking?  In the world of over 85,000 toxins that we are bombarded with on a daily basis, you would think that toxins would come up in a conversation when someone is not feeling good.

Toxins are root cause of almost every disease out there.  Yes, we all have good genes and bad genes but that doesn’t mean we are doomed.  If we live a lifestyle where we are consuming toxic foods… we are loading the gun that pulls the trigger.

Our brain consumes roughly 33% of the food we eat but 100% of the toxins.  If our gut is broke, our brain is broke.

If the liver cannot remove the toxins, then these toxins are reabsorbed and our liver becomes stagnant.  If our liver is stagnant then it certainly affects our brain and all the emotions that come with it.

Let’s talk about Phase 1 in our detoxification pathways.  In order to move the toxins out of our body so they don’t enter the brain, we need certain nutrients to move the garbage along.  Always remember, we need to take the trash out or it just piles up in our bodies and yes that includes our brain.  Knowing the nutrients is important and there are several ways to know if you have enough of these.  There’s blood work tests, urine tests and if you are lucky enough to find a health care practitioner who does spectrophotometry with an OligoScan than you are in luck because it only take a few minutes to get your results for 21 minerals and 11 heavy metals that for sure affect your liver, gut and brain.  To understand where your Glutathione levels are however, that is a different type of blood test.

What is Glutathione you might be asking yourself?  Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant in the liver.  It helps prevent against Oxidative Stress or cell death.  Glutathione protects the liver cells (hepatocytes) from toxic injury themselves.

There is so much to understand when you are searching for root cause.  Root cause starts looking upstream for the answers to the downstream symptoms.

For more information on how toxins enter the body, take a look at this video.  

Stay tuned for Phase 2 of how our liver can affect your body and brain.

We are here to help answer your questions, so please feel free to email us.


Toxins cause emotional issues
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